Having a Baby? You'll Need Diapers, Toys... And Life Insurance

While there are many issues that need to be considered when you have children, planning for your family's financial security should be at the top of your list. Just as you plan to feed your children a healthy diet, buy car seats and safety locks, and place dangerous chemicals out of harm's way, purchasing adequate life insurance coverage is considered part of your overall duty as a responsible parent.

Choosing life insurance policies that protect your family is something that should not be taken lightly. The amount of life insurance you need depends on the level of protection your family would require in the unfortunate event of a loss. It can help pay for the support of your dependents, their education, mortgage payments and other financial obligations. With the right life insurance plan, you can rest assured that your family's financial needs will be satisfied.

Because life insurance is not a "one size fits all" product, it is important to discuss your options with a professional insurance agent. There are several permanent life insurance products that can be tailored to suit your particular circumstances. Term insurance may be right for younger people with limited means who need temporary protection. Later, as life changes occur, you may wish to convert that policy to permanent insurance coverage. When all is taken into consideration, you may find that a combination of permanent and term insurance is best for you. No matter what your needs, goals, hopes and dreams, a solid life insurance plan can help you sleep at night-that is, if your children let you sleep.

To start planning for your family's future, visit the Agent Locator at www.newyorklife.com, or write to New York Life Insurance Company, 51 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10010.

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